Statement of the meeting on materials “enlightenment hours” in Microbiology, Virology and immunology № 3 20.09.2019 y

Participated: kafedra mudiri, professor Z.A.Nuruzova, dos.: Sh.RAliev, N.T.Yodgorova, Senior Lecturer Ergasheva Z.N.Y., assistants: N.RMirvalieva, Z.N.Y.Orinbaeva, N.G Yuldosheva, Z.B.Djuraeva, U.M.Abdullaev, F.Sh Mamatmusaeva., Ishmuradov M.B., Comamuradov S.T, I.A. Godyarav.
Agenda: theme: “Beautiful with human manners”
After the lecture, professor Z.A.Nuruzova read and heard:
Connects the moral qualities of Man, the concepts of morality in general, with the nature of man. And human nature is formed primarily in the family. Accordingly, the parental influence and sample in the upbringing of the child is endlessly adult. For example, he advises women, from the language of Abdulla ibn Jafar writes: “beware of jealousy. He is the key to the spleen. I forbid you to reproach your husband more often. Because laziness evokes hatred, decorate yourself. A good tool for this is push. Use more fragrant snacks. The best among them is water.”
Historical progress shows that in a state with the aim of prosperity and prosperity of the country, education of young people in the first place, creating the necessary conditions for them, should be considered as a priority task.
In great history, nothing goes without a trace. It is preserved in the blood, historical memory of the peoples and manifested in their practical work. Therefore, it is also powerful. Preserving, studying and leaving the historical heritage from generation to generation is one of the most important priorities of the policy of our state. This is of great importance in the current globalisation environment, where new threats, including the threat of “mass culture” and the mood of immortality, morality, the threat of loss of values, are emerging.
The issue of raising children in the family and the family also occupies an important place in the scientific heritage of Abu Ali Ibn Sina. In his series of works he writes a lot of valuable thoughts about the health of the child, about his upbringing, and most importantly about the study of the child’s psyche. All of them as a whole form a system of certain pedagogical views, and it follows the idea of the formation of a morally harmonious person. In Ibn Sina’s work “the event al-Manazil”, a large chapter is devoted to the issues of family and family upbringing. Ibn Sina said that the upbringing of a child in the family is much more complicated and delicate, and that it is necessary to take it from a child’s youth and consistently. He will dwell on the educational significance of Mother allasi and say that “Alla” performs two tasks. The first is given a physical rest to the child by rocking it; the second, from rocking the cradle in one rhythm, the love of the mother beats, from the love of the mother to the love of the child, the hope of the mother’s Dream Shakes from the heart. This specific song is a revenge song for her child yangraydi and she is immersed in the murky heart of her child. In this way, the child himself becomes an incomprehensible circumstance.
Muhammad Sadiq Qashgariy underlines that it is necessary to see his daughter who wants to marry before the young man nikokh, who is married in the work” odab as-solihan”, to be a Virgin of his married daughter, and four things to be lower than the Earth in life, comatose, property and lineage, and four things to be higher than the Earth in This idea is of great importance in the relationship of the couple in the family, to live peacefully and in harmony in life.
The issue of raising children in the family also occupies a worthy place in the heritage of the great thinker poet Alisher Navoi. In his opinion, the maturity of society is associated with its fate and the future youth maturity, accordingly, the upbringing of the child is a noble task that parents face, he says. A.Navoi glorified the good qualities of parents. Such qualities indicate that jamuljam in them plays an important role in the upbringing of the child. For example, his thoughts about women are noteworthy: “A Good Wife, Says Navoi – the state and happiness of the family, the calm and tranquility of the owner of the house is from her, if Pleasant – the soul, if kind-the soul. If it is reasonable, then there will be discipline in fasting. If he is beandisha, the soul will suffer from him, if evil-seeking, then the soul will suffer from him. If there is a drunkard, the House will be lost in prosperity, if there is a fool, then the family will be a disgrace.”

Those involved in the Enlightenment watch
Professors and teachers groups of students
12 60 205-206 students of the Faculty of treatment. 1-2 course masters

Kafedra mudiri, professor: Z.A.Nuruzova

Education on spirituality and enlightenment: ass. N.G. Yuldasheva

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