Department of Microbiology was organized simultaneously with the formation of the Faculty in autumn 1919. First head of it was Professor Alexey Dmitrievich Greekov , by whom was read lectures on general microbiology . Until 1933 at the Department conducted primarily pedagogical work. In 1933Professor of the Department was Shtiben V.D., under whose leadership the work, dedicated to characterization of streptococci ( Medvedeva T.I. ) , Staphylococcus aureus ( Katz R.P. ), etc was done. In 1936, the head of the department of microbiology was elected Professor PF Samsonov , who headed the department until 1964.
Paul F. Samsonov , a doctorate in bacteriology brucellosis ( 1942 ) became a professor in the department, honored worker of science of UzSSR . He was a leading scientist of Uzbekistan in the field of medical microbiology .
Since 1939, the Department of Microbiology , led by Professor Samson PF expanded considerably , but during the Great world War II of 1941-1945, a number of assistants were mobilized to the front.
The scientific activity of the Department of Microbiology in the prewar period and during the war was aimed at : the continuation of the study of the features of Staphylococcus aureus ( RP Katz, 1936 ) , as well as characterization of enterococci in chronic ulcerative colitis ( Drapkina AV, 1938 ) , serological typing of tuberculosis bacilli ( 1943) , a comparative assessment of of milk- coagulase method for determining the coli-titer of water in outdoor ( Hrynevych AT, 1945).
After the war, the teaching staff of the Department of Microbiology replenished qualified personnel , such as NI Bobyleva ( 1947 phd ) Akhmedzhanova YA (later MD ) Merzhanova TF, ED Sluchenkova. This allowed the department to significantly improve the post-war period of pedagogical work and widely deployed research in microbiology .
The research work of the Department of Microbiology in the postwar period (1945 – 1964 ) was characterized by development of general microbiology, questions of sanitary bacteriology, diphtheria, and other intestinal infections.
As a result of hard work of Professor PF Samsonov during the period of his work from 1939 to 1964 under his supervision 30 dissertations were done. Prominent scientist , erudite microbiologist Professor P.F.Samsonov done much to explore regional infectious disease. In particular, he published instruction letters for practitioners on Ku-fever and other infections. At first time in Uzbekistan professor P.F.Samsonov found enterococci in inflammatory processes of the skin at the hands of workers filature . A parallel study of microflora and immuno- response changes in the body of patients was established etiological role of enterococci in chronic inflammatory processes of different localization.
From 1964 to 1971, head of the department was Yunus Akhmedzhanovich Akhmedzhanov , M.D. Over the years the department has further improved the teaching, educational and scientific work . The training of the teaching staff at the department was continuing. So, from 1964 to 1971 at the Department 12 people done their dissertations to PhD. Also had 2 MD dissertations: L.I.Kartushina on the topic: “The role of the bacteriocenosis in the formation of long carrier of diphtheria bacteria in the tonsils ,” and Yu.A.Ahmedzhanovic who create the textbook «Микробиология ва вирусология асослари» on Uzbek, and defended it as a doctoral dissertation in 1966.
For many years, the Department of Microbiology has been studying some opportunistic bacteria (enterococci , E. coli , Proteus , etc.). So, for over 30 years under the direction of Professor V.D.Shtibena ( 1933-1936 ), then Professor P.F.Samsonova ( 1936-1964 ), PhD Yu.A.Ahmedzhanova and deepened in subsequent years enterococcus study – one of the representatives of the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of humans .
Starting from the 50th, in the department of microbiology were studied enzyme- toxic properties and has been proven ability to produce enzymes of aggression by enterococcus, carried out serological differentiation of enterococci and explored their fagoidentification (Yu.A.Ahmedzhanov , N.A.Ahmedov, RF Umarova, Sh.N.Holtaev , G.G.Brussel , A.F.Foliyants etc.). Established etiological significance of enterococci of dyspepsia in children ( Kim LP )
Research conducted in other ways , for example, in 1963, assistant H.M.Damkas participated in the All-Union publication of Directions of bacteriological diagnosis of diphtheria.
Scientific staff ( graduate students and assistants ) , prepared over the years at the Department of Microbiology , later became prominent scientists, heads of departments and scientific institutions. So L.I.Kartushina professor, head of the department of microbiology of Omsk medical Institute Yu.E.Kocharovsky – Professor of Microbiology of TashGiDUV , G.A.Abdirov last graduate student , was the rector of the State University of Nukus .
In 70 years, the department continued to work on the study of the biological properties of a number of opportunistic pathogens – normal inhabitants of the body. In these years, the department was done 5 Ph.D. and 1 doctor ( by docent A.V.Foliyantsom ) thesis.
In the period from May 1970 A.A.Abidov became a professor, and from 1972 to 1975 / and after a short break / from 1976 to 1980, he headed the Department of Microbiology ofTashkent State Medical Institute . Over the years, the department has improved the material and technical equipment. Department has been allocated a new room , the number of classrooms , offices , educational support laboratories. All this contributed to the improved training of students .
From 1975 to 1976, Head of the Department of Microbiology was docent A.V.Foliyants . After him again on The management of the department returned A.A.Abidov .
From 1980 to 1985 and from 1987 to 1990 (1986-1987 g – dots.I.M.Muhamedov ) head of the Department of Microbiology was Professor F. Yu Gharib .
During this time, intensified research work in the department. New direction became clinical immunology. In the department was organized immunological laboratory, on the basis of which the members of the department of microbiology, other departments of Tashkent State Medical Institute, institutes of Leningrad, mastered and developed under the guidance of Professor F. Yu Gharib new methods for estimation of human immune status : determined lymphocyte subpopulations ( T-lymphocytes , T suppressor cells , T helper cells , B lymphocytes, suppressor , B helper , O- lymphocytes , etc.). New perspective direction and original research was to determine in the blood of patients the antigen binding lymphocytes. Docent Professor Muhamedov IM led a scientific study group from the gastrointestinal tract of man. Was studied microbiocenosis of intestine and its correction by the influence of pesticides on the body (docent I.M.Muhamedov ) , immunosuppressants ( assistant N.A.Amanov ) thymectomy in combination with Salmonella infection ( assistant Sh.K.Adylov ) , as well as pathological processes : ulcerative colitis (docent Khamzina DI ) , burns (docent D.M.Babadzhanova ) , dental disease (docent R.F.Umarova ) and others. Virological studies were carried out in plans of learning gosipol and its derivatives as an indicator by assistant , Ph.D. Dushanbieva S.D. Materials of results of scientific research were published in medical journals in the form of methodical recommendation and rational offer, authors certificates, master’s and doctoral theses . In 1989 by the head of Chair , Prof. F. Yu Gharib in co-authoring was written monograph ” Immunology of late toxicosis and not taken out pregnancies ” Medgiz T. , 1988 , 90 p. Faculty of the department of microbiology , virology and immunology conducted a large educational and methodical work . For 10 years they have published 6 lectures, 12 teaching materials for students and trainees FPK ( teachers of secondary medical schools of Central Asia and Kazakhstan ) , situational tasks , methodical recommendation for practice work for students of 3rd year of sanitary department. These methodical recommendation covered actual parts of bacteriology , virology and immunology, reflect the current views and methodology of research , not included in textbooks and practical lessons. Teachers of the department carried out extensive work on the translation of teaching materials on separate sections of the discipline into the Uzbek language . Since 1988, lectures and practical lessons are held in the Uzbek language . Markedly intensified the learning process. For students of the Faculty of sanitary section of sanitary microbiology is held in the form of self-study followed by a discussion of the results at conferences UIRS. First in Tashkent State Medical Institute at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology started lecturing on AIDS since 1985. One of the most promising forms of work at the Department is subject Olympiad , consisting of 3 rounds, which annually participates from 50 to 110 students which successfully studying in the subject. Every year in the scientific group of department worked from 10 to 27 students, on institute conferences SSS, was heard from 3 to 7 student research works in various sections . During being the head of chair professor of F.Yu.Garib on the chair were prepared scientific-pedagogical personnel : Microbiology : 1 M.D. (PhD I.M.Muhamedov ) and 3 PhD : Assistant Amanow NA, SK Adylov , Dushanbieva SD ; immunology 33 PhD thesis – four employees of the department ( Kim VM T.M.Rodionova , N.A.Ahmedova , Sh.R.Aliev ) and 27 members of Tashkent State Medical Institute and other institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan . At the department successfully performed scientific work specialists from India, Bangladesh , Afghanistan and North Korea. Much attention was given to work with foreign students and the Syrian community . Annually , and sometimes 2 times a year at the Department had increase qualified of teachers of secondary medical schools of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In 1990, Tashkent State Medical Institute was divided into two medical institutes (I and II Tashkent State Medical Institute ) . With regard to the separation in the second medical school study students of medical, educational and health preventive departments. Head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of 2 Tashkent State Medical Institute were M.D., Professor F.Yu.Garib . These years were fruitful in scientific – were discovered and tested experimentally and clinically , and then the issue has been imposed on a large scale preparations ” immunomoduline ” and “T -activin .” In 1995-1998, head of the Department of Microbiology, were MD Professor AA Batirbekov . In 1998-2001, the Department of Microbiology was merged with the Department of Epidemiology , where head of the Department were M.D., Professor O.M.Mirtazaev . In 2001-2003, head of the Department of Microbiology were MD Eshbaev EH In 2003-2005, head of the Department of Microbiology were Ph.D. Nuruzova ZA
Along with the design of department of the new territory strongly held educational and scientific work . Due to the fact that the Department is main line of preventive medical faculty and to strengthen the material and technical equipment of the practical lessons , the Department has moved geographically in the 4th Corpus of 2nd Clinic, closer to the bacteriological laboratory and microbiological department CSL, which was headed by Sokolova ( Norbaeva ) IE During these years wascorrected the work with anaerobs, methods for studying dysbacterioses of different habitats , intestinal dysbacterioses.
These years were fruitful , not only in studying, but also in the scientific plan. Were prepared a number of researchers : M.D. – Norbaeva (Sokolova ) IE, Gurari NI, Ph.D. – Nuraliev NA, Kakhkharov BK, Zokirov MM, Nuruzova ZA, Tsereteli SZ, Kilicheva GH, Yadgarova NT, Rasulov FH , Rizapulu AK, Davurov AD, Sobirkulov SS
In the first Tashkent State Medical Institute head of Department of Microbiology , Virology and Immunology , was elected in 1991 Ilaman Mukhamedovich Muhamedov who headed the department until 2012.
In connection with the division of medical institute department revised its plans, programs , methodological approaches , as specialized departments hygienic faculty transferred to the II medical Institute. At the Department of Microbiology trained students of medical and dental faculties, and also carried out a new form of learning – evening medical faculty .
In plans and programs of lectures and practical works are allocated to each department priority sections, and special attention is paid to the boundary actual infections, lessons by which are equipped with the most visual aids and practical work .
Only for 1st academic year (1991 – 92g . ) by the Staff of the Department published in Uzbek and Russian languages ”Business Game ” and ” Case Studies “, in the Uzbek language ” methodological developments to practical lessons in general microbiology “, written and prepared for publication in Uzbek language “Methodological developments on immunology “, ” Methodological developments to practical training in private microbiology “, written in Uzbek and Russian languages lectures : ” Pathogens Chlamydia “, ” Pathogens legionellosis .” All of the above are included in the work plan for the publication in 1992
Due to methodological work done, among students has increased interest in the subject , which is reflected in the number of participants among students of medical and dental faculties in the subject Olympiad 1990-1991- 65 students in 1991-1992 – 78 students. Considerably quickened work of student scientific society : if before, in SSS primarily engaged students of sanitary faculty , after separation, more actively include students from other faculties. Since 1991 for the analysis and evaluation of methodological and pedagogical work, at the end of each semester began to carry out control of knowledge of students per semester . This allowed a more objectively evaluate the work of the department .
The results of the scientific work of the department for two years ( 1990-1992 ) were the publication by staff in medical journals and collections more than 50 articles . The result of extensive research in the same year was the dissertation of Professor, Head of Chair I.M.Muhamedov on the theme: “Violation of microbiocenosis, morphostructure of intestine and immune system in the separate and combined effects of pesticides (kotoran , magnesium chlorate) and salmonella .”
In the same period there was a historical event – the collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of new independent states. In connection with the declaration of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan , there have been significant changes in higher education . In the same year, by the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan and government decree, created a new concept of training . In those same years on the Department of Microbiology of the first TashMI obliged training and methodological center for training students of microbiology, virology and immunology, for this purpose created : ” monothematic Council of Microbiology ” , headed by Professor Muhamedov IM, which includes the head of all departments of universities of republic( Iskhakova HI , MA Mirzaeva , Kamolov PK, AH Akhrarov, Nuraliev NA, Gharib FU, Hamedov A. etc .)
One of the major successes in the classroom was the preparation and publication typographically (2000 copies) ” Textbook of microbiology, virology and immunology ” in Uzbek language (authors I.M.Muhamedov etc.) , amounting to 520 pages. It should be noted that in 1993 was made by the rector (rector Daminov TA ) is one of the right decisions , an association microbiology department with the clinical bacterial laboratory. This decision has greatly contributed to the improvement of the educational process. In those same years, the Department of Microbiology, adopted a new research direction : ” Microbiological, virological and immunological aspects in health and disease ,” on this subject were reserved a number of master’s theses : Mahkamova DE, Turgunova YA, I. Kasimov , Lem J. and others. , published three textbooks ( edited by Professor Mukhamedova IM ) :
- ” Microecology of vagina , its violations and ways of their correction “, Tashkent, 2004 120 pages
- “Microbiology and Immunology of the oral cavity in health and disease “, Tashkent, 2005 180 pages
- ” Microecology of intestine in health and disease and their correction “, Tashkent, 2005 260 pages
Event of revolutionary importance was Decree of Uzbekistan President I.A. Karimov In 2005, “On the organization of the Tashkent Medical Academy” based on combining the first and second Tashkent State Medical Institute . From this time started the radical modernization of the educational process, in which resulted in a short time introduced in the educational process multimedia lectures, compiled more than 1000 slides, issued new sample programs, written provisions OSCE , for independent work of students , new work programs, turn-based training system, new texts of lectures and more.
Due to the requirement of time employees of the department prepared and published a textbook on microbiology, virology and immunology in the Latin alphabet ( in Uzbek) , Tashkent, 2006 , 600 p. ( edited by Professor IM Mukhamedova 2000 copies . ) .
In 2008, prepared and published a textbook in Russian : for General Microbiology – Tashkent, 2008 , 350 p. ( edited by Professor Mukhamedova IM ) .In 2009, by the staff of the Department prepared and published in the Uzbek language textbook ” Umumiy virusologiya .”
In recent years the department has had great success in research work . So for the last 10 years produced several MD: ( EH Eshbaev, Nuraliev NA, Nuruzova ZA ) , a number of PhD ( Irgasheva HI , Alikesheva LJ , SM Rustamov . , Suleymanova GT, Huzhaeva Sh.A., Kurbanova SU ) .
Since 2007, on a base of the Department of Microbiology of TMA open admission to Master’s degree in ” Bacteriology and Virology ” participate annually 10-15 residents who graduated from medical institutes of Uzbekistan . Based on this, on the chair provides all the basic documents , rotating base, in which successfully trained our masters . In 2009, the first graduates of masters, who are currently working in various medical institutions of our Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2010, with the participation of leading scientists – microbiologists Russia ( AA Vorobyov, AU Mironov), of Uzbekistan ( AS Nematov, Nuraliyev NA ) edited by Professor IM Mukhamedov prepared and published a textbook on microbiology, virology and immunology in Russian , constituting more than 900 pages
Since 2012 the head of the department is MD, professor Z.A.Nuruzova . In the educational process became actively used English, were translated into English documents used in the educational process (lecture material , EMC) . Department staff are actively began to use the local network , all lessons are held at the Department by the application of new teaching technologies , held integrated lessons with medical, surgical disciplines , and with infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists .
Thus, history shows that the Department of Microbiology of the Tashkent Medical Academy is one of the leading departments in teaching and scientific research issues of Uzbekistan . Currently in the educational process of the department involved two professors ( ZA Nuruzova, Muhammedov IM ) , 4 PhD (Aliev Sh.R. , Dushanbieva SD, Rustamova SM, MM Zokirov ) , a number of senior teachers ( PhD Hujaeva Sh.A., Kurbanova SY ) and assistants ( GT Sulaimanova , Yadgarova NT , Sadullaev H.F , Mirvalieva NR ) and others. More than 80 % of department staff is settled down.