Participated: kafedra mudiri, professor Z.A.Nuruzova, dos.: Sh.RAliev, N.T.Yodgorova, Senior Lecturer Ergasheva Z.N.Y., assistants: N.RMirvalieva, Z.N.Y.Orinbaeva, N.G Yuldosheva, Z.B.Djuraeva, U.M.Abdullaev, F.Sh Mamatmusaeva., Ishmuradov M.B., Comamuradov S.T, I.A. Godyarav.
Agenda: theme: “great future guarantee of reading”, 27 September International Tourism Day
After the lecture, professor Z.A.Nuruzova read and heard:
One of the 5 important initiatives to raise the morale of young people and to organize their free time in a meaningful way is aimed at raising the morale of young people, organizing systematic work in order to widely promote reading among them.
As the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi wrote, ” the book is a beminnat teacher, the main source of knowledge and spiritual growth “.There are a lot of Proverbs about the importance of reading books in the language of our people, obtaining knowledge and a decent education, dealing with science, professional learning. In particular, “a bird without a book Mind-wing”, “a sign of happiness-knowledge”, “knowledge – the flash of reason”, “beauty – ilmu in Enlightenment”, “science brings happiness, knowledge brings throne”, “craft – flowing spring, science – burning lamp”, “Golden Apple, get knowledge, if you get knowledge, learn”. Such purhikmat transplants can last longer.
The most important thing is that the original truth on the basis of these folk Proverbs, which have been bleached for many thousands of years and have shown the right way to the NE-ne generations as a passenger star, is that the important factor of a person to be educated, educated, professional and of course happy and stately is to be Especially in the blissful, peaceful and prosperous life of young people, the book has a special place. Because a good book encourages people to love the motherland, to raise feelings of respect for national and universal values, to goodness and goodness.
It should be noted that independence has not only given us back our high status as a book-giving nation, but also has been a key factor in radically increasing our potential and opportunities in this regard. Therefore, in the years of independence in our country, special attention is paid to raising the spirituality of the population, especially the younger generation, further development of our national literature and art, educating young people in the spirit of respect for our national values, and promoting the work of creative people.
Over the past period, a solid legal basis has been created in the media, publishing and Information Industry. In particular, more than 10 laws and more than 30 legislative acts were adopted in this regard. President Of The Republic Of UzbekistanM.The decree of Mirziyoyev “on the development of the system of printing and distribution of book products, increasing the reading and reading culture, as well as the creation of a commission for the promotion of the book products”, signed on 12 January 2017, is of great importance with the aim of raising these noble works to a new, higher level.There are also many useful aspects of reading a book. Below we list a few of them:
One of them. Just 6 minutes to read the book Calm down ASAP.
Two. According to a study by scientists from Emory University, reading exactly the same book helps increase the number of nerve fibers in the brain
The three. It allows you to understand people more closely, to understand the experiences of the soul, to conduct an interesting conversation on any topic.
The four. According to statistics, 43 percent of people who do not read books in general live in poverty, while only 4 percent of people who read books live in poverty.
The five. Reading motivates good and repels evil. The same will help to prevent crime.
On September 27, 1970, the Charter of the World Tourism Organization was adopted in Torremolino, Spain, and its General Assembly marked the celebration of this date as the International Day of Tourism. The goal is to promote tourism, to illuminate its contribution to the economy of the world community in the mass media, to further improve the relations between the inhabitants of different countries. Also, each person feels himself as a tourist, studying the beautiful, unique nature, cultural, historical and natural monuments of our native planet, contributing to their preservation. As a result of the rapid exchange of information in the global environment, people are interested in getting acquainted with the countries of the world. This in turn led to the development of the tourism sector. Today in Uzbekistan, a lot of attention is paid to the development of the tourism sector, new tourist products are being introduced, new projects are being launched, great opportunities are being created for tourists, all existing obstacles are being removed from the sector, and entrepreneurs wishing to contribute to the development of tourism are provided with a number of benefits.
Those involved in the Enlightenment watch
Professors and teachers groups of students
12 56 205-206 students of the Faculty of treatment. 1-2 course masters
Kafedra mudiri, professor: Z.A.Nuruzova
Education on spirituality and enlightenment: ass. N.Y.G.Companion